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  • Mwalimu K-Q Amsata (aka Bro. Edward H. Brown, Jr.) was born and raised in Harlem, New York, USA (during the heyday of Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., and Malcolm X);


  • Syracuse University, BA (1965-1969) - Black Student Activist who was a founding member of Student African American Society (1967), father of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library (1968) and Chairman of the student committee that fought for the establishment of the African American Studies Department (1969); Master's in Public Administration (MPA) from the University's prestigious Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs (1978); 


  • National Staff of Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) 1970-75 - Director of Political Affairs: Delegate- Black Political Convention in 1972; Served on the African Liberation Support Committee (ALSC) in 1972; Established CORE as a Consultative Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the United Nations (ECOSOC) in 1973; Attended the 12th Summit Organization of African Unity (OAU) in East Africa (Uganda) in 1975;


  • TransAfrica (Active 1984-1991) during the period leading up to the freedom of Nelson Mandela from prison; 


  • Authored and presented visionary paper entitled "UNITED AFRICA BY 2020: The Synergy of Garvey/Malcom/Nkrumah (GMN)” to the All African Students Conference, (May 17-19, 1996) Temple University, Philadelphia, PA and subsequently co-sponsored Pan African Conference on "Garveyism-Malcolm X Nkrumanism in the New Millennium" with the University at Albany, SUNY (April 6-8, 2000); 


  • Co-Chair Black History Month Creative Expression Contest (1997-2006)- Annual Contest was co-sponsored by 100 Black Men and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority in New York State's Capital District; 


  • Elected President of the Board of Education, Albany, New York (term 2003-2007);


  • Adjunct Professor- Africana Studies Department at the University at Albany (2008). Designed and taught undergraduate course entitled “Leadership in the Black Community". Lectured on Pan Africanism at the graduate level;


  • Program Chairman- 25th Anniversary Celebration of the African American Cultural Society (AACS), Palm Coast, Florida (2016); Currently serves as Chair, AACS's African Study Group; 


  • Coordinator, Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) in North America since 2015 


  • Led the North American Delegation to the 60th Anniversary of the All African Peoples Conference (AAPC@60) and the PAFM Pre-Congress in Accra, Ghana (December 8-13, 2018); Presided over the planning for and execution of the highly acclaimed North American Pan African Federalist Convention (October 15-19, 2020). 




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